Hong Kong Government’s Latest Epidemic Prevention Measures

Government suitably relaxes social distancing measures further

The Government announced on 28 December 2022 that local anti-epidemic measures will be further adjusted starting from 0:00am 29 December 2022, including removing definition of close contacts and ceasing issuance of quarantine orders.

(i) definition of close contacts removed and issuance of quarantine orders ceased,

(ii) Vaccine Pass requirement removed,

(iii) social distancing measures except mask-wearing lifted and

(iv) issuance of daily compulsory testing notices for residential buildings suspended

The evaluation criteria for COVID-19 nucleic acid test results will be adjusted with effect from 16 January 2023. Test results issued from that day with a Ct value of 35 or above would be regarded as negative for purposes other than clinical management. The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health would not regard persons with results of nucleic acid tests at a Ct value of 35 or above as confirmed cases starting from 0.00am on the same day. Relevant persons would not be issued with isolation orders (i.e. no home isolation would be required, nor would they be sent to community isolation facility). The above adjusted criteria also apply to free and self-paid tests conducted by community testing centres/stations, and the self-paid negative test reports can also be used for cross-boundary travelling purposes. For details, please refer to press release.

Inbound Travel

In view of the development of COVID-19 epidemic situation in Hong Kong, this web page may be further updated.

Starting January 8, all persons entering the Mainland from Hong Kong, or entering Hong Kong from the Mainland, are required to undergo a polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19 within 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of flight departure (for those entering via the airport) or the time of arrival (for those entering via other boundary control points (BCPs)) and obtain a negative result. Travellers should hold the applicable nucleic test report for checking by BCP personnel.

In addition, if inbound persons from Macao have stayed in the Mainland on the day of, or in the seven days prior to, arrival at Hong Kong, they will be required to undergo a PCR test within 48 hours prior to the time of arrival at Hong Kong, and obtain a negative result for entering Hong Kong. Please also refer to the relevant press release:

Information From Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection (CHP).

(https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/index.html, https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/inbound-travel.html)

Last revision date: 8 Jan 2023